|10 Things You Never Knew About |Aladdin Sane/iNDi... by Freak of NFA Right you bugger! Have a crafty swipe at ME would you? Well let's just see how the public react to these little skeletons from your proverbial closet shall we? All of the following are true, honest guv! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- He often dances in the local bookshop, unfortunately to a tune that only he seems to be able to hear... He utters endless repeats of "The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer" on a Saturday morning - despite the fact that EVERYBODY present had seen it the night before. If a catchy tune occurs to him from the past he will sing it wherever he happens to be, in the street, in the newsagents, even in the local Police detention cells! He wears a suit during the day (Told you he was odd!) which has the pockets sewn up, when questioned about this he insists that "They're ALL like that", er... He talks like Magnus Pike, WITH HIS HANDS! When becoming involved in a discussion with him it's advisable to stand a few feet away (the other end of the room is good). He lives in Louth (nuff said!), hence the alledged nickname "The Mouth of Louth", probably. He drives a Fiat Uno (mind you, it IS black), which is outrageously inappropriate, him seeming about seven feet tall... He seems to be under the impression that if he drops rediculously heavy hints within the pages of "The Word" then he will not only meet a bird (HIS word, not mine), but she will fall madly in love with him. He frequents a particular hairdressers where the girls all wear short skirts and are all babes, need we say why? His favourite chat up line is "How about it then luv, eh?", unbelievabe as it may seem, he claims this actually works! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-